Sabugal water fountain and clock tower

Between the Serra da Estrela Mountains and the border between Portugal and Spain you’ll find lots of small villages which were established centuries ago to defend the territory from invaders. Some of them, like Sortelha, Monsanto, Idanha-a-Velha and Belmonte, have achieved international fame by being selected as part of the Historical Villages of Portugal network while others, like Penamacor, Penha Garcia and Sabugal, are less touristy but full of stories and surprises.

All of these remote villages are surrounded by glorious countryside, including plains, rivers, granite outcrops and the Serra da Malcata Nature Reserve, where Iberian lynx used to roam.

If you’re interested in a private tour of this under-the-radar part of Portugal, please fill in the form below and I’ll connect you with a suitable tour operator by forwarding your request and contact details.

If you are not sure about which villages to choose on the form, you will find more information about them in these articles:

Disclosure: At no extra cost to you, I may receive a small ‘finder’s fee’ from some of the carefully selected tour operators I recommend. 

Enquiry about tours around Penamacor

Enquire about a customised tour of the authentic villages and beautiful countryside between the Serra da Estrela and Serra da Malcata mountain ranges of Central Portugal.

Duration of tour(Required)
How long do you want to spend exploring this area with a guide?
Which villages would you like to visit?
Please choose the ones that interest you the most (see the links above if you're not sure which to visit). Depending on logistics, the tour operator may suggest something different. If you want to spend the day on the farm or in the nature reserve, don't tick any villages.
Which experiences are you interested in?
Please select all that apply
What are you most interested in?
This will enable Samuel to customise the tour to suit you.
Would you like Samuel to arrange local accommodation for you?(Required)
He will contact you regarding your preferences before booking anything.
If you have arranged your own accommodation locally, please tell us where it is so that Samuel can organise the meeting point for the tour.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.