wooden shields and fake weapons

Whenever I stand on ancient castle walls, I find myself trying to imagine what life was like when the castles housed royalty and their grounds contained thriving marketplaces buzzing with people, produce, livestock and flies.

When I visit Óbidos during its annual medieval fair, however, I don’t need to stretch my imagination very far at all. The sights, sounds and even some of the smells of days gone by are all around me, with a few welcome nods to the present such as deodorant.

Actor dressed in chain mail for the Obidos Medieval Festival
Knight waiting to parade the streets at the medieval fair in Óbidos

As usual when there’s a festival on, Óbidos’ main cobbled street is a steadily flowing river of people heading to and from the castle, pausing occasionally at souvenir shops and ginja (cherry liqueur) stalls. Unlike at other festivals, a fair sprinking of these people are wearing long, flowing robes or tatty trousers and tunics made from sack cloth and animal skins.

Medieval wenches wear white cloth caps or sport garlands of dried flowers in their hair to set off the tight bodices and floor-length skirts of their costumes. Their cigarettes, trainers and sunglasses aren’t exactly in keeping with the image but I can appreciate the need for comfort.

I’m almost tempted to hire a gown myself but as there’s no one with me to share the silliness, I decide to save that experience for another year and head for the castle.

Having fun with sangria at the medieval fair in Óbidos
Having fun with sangria at the medieval fair in Óbidos

Once I’m past the caged skeleton that dangles above the stone archway and into the castle grounds, I’m impressed. The paths are lined with wooden market stalls, timber and adobe medieval houses, canvas tipis and piles of straw. An old man with weatherbeaten skin and few remaining teeth adds authenticity as he limps around, trying to tempt young children to ride his equally haggard looking donkey.

As well as some of the tourists, everyone working at the festival is in period costume and actors have been paid to mingle with the crowd, scaring the unsuspecting with their fake oozing wounds. Knights in chain mail and helmets mingle with monks, blacksmiths in leather and furs, lords and ladies and serving girls. I begin to regret not going for the gown. Those who are in fancy dress appear to be having a great time, especially one couple who take every photo opportunity going, posing on wooden racks and joining the kids in putting their heads through the stocks.

Woman in costume posing on the rack at the medieval fair in Óbidos
Posing on the rack at the medieval fair in Óbidos

I console myself with a cup of sangria, which is super sweet thanks to the added ginja. For €2, I get to keep the ceramic cup, meaning I only have to pay €1 for refills.


I find a space on the banks of concrete steps rising away from the stage to watch a sword fighting display.

The troupe perform chants and rituals before breaking into mock fights, complete with grunts and metallic clangs and scrapes. I lose interest when the only female swordfighter resorts to kneeing her opponent in the groin. Looking at my programme, I make a note to skip the falconry display but to try and make it back for the comedy and the band.

They’re both worth it. The comedy, although in Portuguese, is very visual and two travelling ‘healers’ drag a young man out of the audience, slice him up and pull all manner of strange things from his stomach. The audience is in stitches.

Actors pull fake intestines from a willing suspect. Comedy act, Obidos medieval fair
Comedy at the 2011 medieval fair in Óbidos, Portugal

It’s getting quite chilly by the time the Celtic rock band, Albaluna, come on but the enthusiasm of the drummer and the head banging rock god lute player is enough to make me stay and shiver through their performance. The dancer makes balancing swords on her head appear effortless and the tiny bells around her ankles tinkle as she moves.

Festival food

I spend a happy few hours strolling around in the sun watching people play until the smell of freshly barbecued meat beckons me to the food court. There’s plenty on offer, from hearty soups to hunks of spit-roasted pork stuffed into bread rolls.

My attention is caught by a team of women making pão com chouriço (bread with sausage). One woman mixes flour, water and salt into a dough, the next kneeds it for a while before passing it on to be torn into bun-sized lumps. Meanwhile, another woman slices the paprika flavoured sausage. The next woman places a few circles of meat inside the dough, folds it up and places the rolls on a baking tray which another woman slides into one of the wood burning ovens behind them.

I join the rather long queue to buy my first ever pão com chouriço and am soon tucking into hot, freshly baked bread which is stained orange in places from the melted fat of the sausage and tastes delicious.

Even if it isn’t authentic medieval fare, this alone would be enough to make me come back to Óbidos for more and I fully intend to do that. Next time, I’ll bring my husband, get dressed up and maybe even sign up for the special medieval banquet.

Practicalities for visiting Óbidos Medieval Fair:

To find out dates and the agenda for the medieval fair in Óbidos, check out the  official website and if possible, buy your ticket online. Many of the local accommodations offer packages that include costumes,otherwise, you can hire them from local shops. Park near the aqueduct.

See how Óbidos could form part of a self-drive itinerary to discover Central Portugal


  1. We are coming to Portugal for our honeymoon this September (2017). It’s the birthplace of my father and my first trip there is very special to me. Are there any festivals in between September 18- Oct 2 that we should know about?

    1. Hi Jennifer, that depends on which part of Portugal you are visiting. Visit Portugal’s website lists the major events and the regional tourism board websites do a reasonable job of more local listings – their links are on the main Visit Portugal site.

  2. Thanks, Julie. I’ll put this event on my calendar for July 2013 and hope I can make it!

    1. If you dress up medieval style, I want to see photos!

      1. Ok, that sounds like fun. 🙂

  3. We recently had a Medieval Fair in one of the villages near to where I live in southern Spain, but yours looks rather more authentic! 😉

    On another note, you have inspired another blogger to feature your blog as a link in the CBBH Photo Challenge. Well done, Julie!

    As your reward, you are now entitled to grab the – CONEJO BLANCO BLOG HOP Featured Me! BUTTON – from the East of Málaga ( http://www.eastofmalaga.wordpress.com ) home page to display in your sidebar (if you want to, of course!)


    1. Author

      It looks great, Fernanda. Thanks for the tip – I’ll have to check it out next summer.

  4. sounds fab! and quite different to the Silves Medieval Fair …. what wonderful treats Portugal has in store for us this summer!

    1. Author

      I know. It’s a shame I’m missing most of them by being in Vietnam. Having a great time here, though so I’m not complaining too much.

  5. This time last year we were in Obidos and my piece about the Medieval Fair was one of my first blog posts. Happy memories

    1. Author

      Indeed! It’s great fun 🙂

  6. I love Obidos, such a pretty village! I have never been to the Medieval fair though. A delicious Pão com chouriço would go down well right now! Drink a glass of ginja for me too. I had one when I visited Sintra recently.

    1. Author

      I wish I could, Sami but I’m still in Vietnam. The medieval fair was fab, though and I’d recommend it to anyone. I will be going back, just not this year. But I’ll happily eat and drink for you when I get back to Portugal 🙂

Over to you. Please share your thoughts in a comment.